This article will be helpful to you no matter what you're trying to do. Doing something positive will help you in business and will help to make you feel better inside.
Depression is a very sad thing and I faced it many many times during my life. I know how black and hopeless it you can all appear when you're suffering. I'm a great believer in healing yourself from depression.
I believe that one of the best things that you can do to help yourself get out of depression is to do something positive. You may ask how can I do something positive when I feel depressed? The answer is that when you feel depressed even a small step will count for a lot.
Here is my top tip for beating depression long-term:
Try to find something positive that you can do. You need to think about this. The important thing is that you should do something that will help others. Often when people get depressed they focus on themselves and isolate themselves. This only makes things worse. You need to look outwards and socialise if possible, though this often seems impossible when you feeling down or depressed.
The Internet gives us a unique opportunity to connect with a others and to help others. You can research opportunities to do this. Making friends through social media can open up many many opportunities to do something positive with your time, rather than just wasting it surfing the Internet.
For many years I have been teaching but at the same time I have been writing and running several websites about psychology and self help. Maybe you visited my two websites about depression and self esteem. The aim of these websites is to help other people but in the process of doing this I have got to know so many supporting professionals who have now become close friends and opportunities are opening up for me to take this more and more in the direction of a career.
You need to find a source of happiness doing something positive for others. Working on this, even in your spare time, will help make depression a thing of the past.
We all suffer from depression from time to time but the most important thing is not to let it get you down too much. Being successful means being able to take the knocks in your stride and not letting them destroy you. Doing something positive will enable you to feel good about yourself and this will make you stronger.
So write that book, offer something for free that will help others, give advice, work with others for a good cause online. Don't limit yourself to a life consisting of a job you only do for money and which leaves you no time or energy for anything else worthwhile.
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Great post. I can vouch personally for the benefits of feeling better by getting outside of myself and doing something positive for someone else.