Saturday, 5 September 2009

Three things you really need...

What three things do you need in your life?

If you have these then success is just a matter of time.

Here they are:


Your attitude. Is life happening to you or are YOU making it happen?

Do you believe in fate or do you believe you control your own fate? Plant in your mind that it is not what events come your way through fate but how you handle what is thrown at you that matters. You can influence every aspect of your life through your choices and decisions. Don't deny your power in dealing with life.

Need a change, you can make it. Need to make an improvement - you can. Sometimes things seem to come out of the blue but you make them happen and you can find an opportunity in even the worst situations IF you have the right attitude.


Don't give up ever if you really want something. Be determined and go for it. You may have doubts. Others may try to tell you it won't work. trust your desire. Do you really want to do it? Then NEVER let go of your dream and drive on. Success does not come quickly every time and it may elude you... But... You WILL succeed. Never give up.


There is one more thing you need to change your life and find the success you are looking for. What is it?

OK - you've got the right attitude.
OK - you are determined to succeed and are not giving up...

The third thing you need is to..


Act now, don't wait.

Don't delay. If you do you allow self doubt and fear to grow. You allow opportunities to pass. You lose time. You invite those discouraging comments into your head. If you're sure of what you want then begin now. Today. Immediately.

Good luck and I sincerely wish these words plant in you the seed of success!

If you would like to learn much more about success and how to improve your life, your confidence and self esteem then please check out my e-book:

Self Esteem Secrets

1 comment:

  1. Great post buddy. Its all about learning how to think positive, having imagination, and being bold enough to take actions. Work twice as harder on yourself than at your job is the phrase they say.

    Keep up the good work!
