Tuesday, 15 June 2010

What is the first step to not being afraid...?

Fear grabs a hold of everyone. Are you seized by fear? You're certainly not alone...

What's the first and most powerful step towards ending your fear?

...to not being afraid?

-It's knowing how to defend yourself.

Think about that, if you're sure how to defend yourself when fear of any situation hits you then what's to be afraid of?

When the worst happens, you'll know you can handle it and it won't crush you. So ask yourself what do you fear? What situations do you dread? What are you scared of? Then ask how can you defend yourself?

Defending yourself from fear means not running away. It means facing your fears head on and overcoming it.

Equip yourself with powerful weapons against your fear. How?

Acquire knowledge, experience and prepare yourself for the challenge. Probably your best weapon against fear is your attitude and mindset. Belief that you can control your fear enables you to stop it controlling you and ruining your life.

This week don't give in to fear, face it and equip yourself with the weapons you need to defend yourself.

Be strong and good luck!

If you want to equip yourself with the weapons you need *now* then they are contained within my e-book:

get a copy now:

"Self Esteem Secrets" - steps to success



  1. Key point: "Acquire knowledge, experience and prepare yourself for the challenge. Probably your best weapon against fear is your attitude and mindset. Belief that you can control your fear enables you to stop it controlling you and ruining your life." . . . and like Nice says "Just Do It"

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