Tuesday, 12 April 2011

A Special Milestone...

This week I reached a milestone - I published and sent out my 100th. newsletter!

The newsletter started in 2002 and is still going strong helping my readers to build their self esteem.

In between the monthly newsletters I send out a weekly inspirational message covering many self help topics which always gets a fabulous response:

"Thank you so much, Karl for all your inspiring and encouraging mails." - Grace

And this comment that makes me feel very humble:

"I am extremely touched by message on MISTAKES, the message was timely and equally encouraging. I thank Jehovah for creating people like you. You are a light, to illuminate lives."

Sign up for my newsletter now


  1. Karl, keep it up. I know from experience it's hard to try to keep a positive light on things.

  2. That is true Falken I have many bad days also but you have to always remember tomorrow is another day and that day will be better.
