Friday 4 June 2010

Positive thinking Tip #10 - Success is nearer than you think...

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." Thomas A. Edison

Sometimes I feel so down and depression comes knocking at my door. Do you have the same problem? Of course you do!

We all suffer from negative thoughts and depression can affect you when you turn your thoughts inward and downward.

At those times you should choose to remind myself of a great truth:

"You are not a failure"

You just haven't succeeded 100% yet.

But hang on a second...maybe you have succeeded 20% or 30 or 40%

Remember also, anything worthwhile is not done in one step but in many small steps.
You cannot give up after these small steps or you'll not take the next one...

Keep going even when you feel like giving up because you are nearer success than you think :)

In most cases success means just a small change - it IS within reach but if you listen to your negative self talk, that dark voice inside you, it will tell you success is impossible.

So my tip for you today is...

Understand that success is closer than you think and that in most cases a small change of attitude is all you need to take action to correct your progress towards your goals and dreams.

Silence the dark voice of despair and negativity inside you and answer it, tell it that you won't listen, you'll SUCCEED!

Take a look at my lastest self esteem newsletter for more info and help get yourself out of the rut your in and begin living life to your full potential.

1 comment:

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