Friday, 27 February 2009

Doors Are Now Open - Get My E-book for Halfprice!

Here's your chance...

Get an advance copy of my Ebook "Self esteem secrets" NOW at HALF PRICE....

Go to this page to get it:

(you will get the ebook as soon as it is ready in a few days... I am putting the finishing touches to it now... )

Sorry, you're too late....The link is now closed down. You can buy the book with bonuses when it is launched later this week....

Are you as excited as I am? You should be, this ebook is powerful!

The official launch date is getting closer...hopefully sometime later next week...

Stay Tuned for More ...

Meanwhile, you can take a sneak peek of what's in the book here:

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

My New Ebook "Self Esteem Secrets" News

My new ebook "Self Esteem Secrets" will be launched very soon. Last week I emailed my subscribers and announced this.

I offered 10 FREE review copies.
Now I am going to offer you the chance to get "Self esteem Secrets" for half price on Thursday!

Thursday 26th February - for a few hours I will open the door and the link will appear here.
It will be strictly limited - make sure you don't miss out...

So come back or even better sign up for my newsletter and latest news about self esteem and find out where to go to get this before anyone else...

Want to have a sneak-peek at what is in my ebook?


See you on Thursday...

Friday, 20 February 2009

How do you talk to yourself?

It is very important to give yourself positive messages. There is a voice inside you which never stops. The problem comes when you constantly give yourself negative messages.

As we know from the law of attraction - what you tell yourself affects your thoughts and your thoughts become your reality. If you are constantly telling yourself negative things or thinking in a negative way you reality will become very negative.

This is where affrmations can be very helpful. And affirmation is a positive message which you repeat or you read over and over again to make your thinking more positive.

I would like to tell you about a free application you can load onto your iphone. Its called "my thoughts". When you open it it gives you positive messages. I just opened the application on my iphone now and the message that popped up was " my talents are in demand, and my unique gifts are appreciated by those around me." It's absolutely free.

There is another great application which allows you to use the power of affrmations to transform your life. Its called Affirmware - find out more about it on this page: - it's not free, but it's extremely powerful and well worth getting. Take a look now, you'll be so glad you did...

Sign up now for my newsletter and get many more tips on how to improve your self esteem and make success or part of your daily life.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Announcing: Watch me Answer your Emails

I've just added a new feature to my website. I am going to answer emails on video and post them so you can watch and listen to my answers to questions about self esteem.

I get many emails every day about self esteem and related problems so I thought why not give all visitors the chance to hear my answers rather than just send an email reply back to one person.

I believe this new page is going to be BIG so get and visit it now...

Go to my Self Esteem Email Answers page now.

There are two videos posted at the moment since yesterday and I advise you to bookmark and re-visit this page for more video answers coming up.

If you've got a question about self esteem then please send me your question here.

Take a look and put a comment below and tell me what you think of this idea.

I've got some great plans for the future including a new ebook soon but the subscribers to my newsletter get all the very latest info before anyone else:

Sign up for my self esteem newsletter and updates here

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Don't fight against life

I'm continuing where I left off in the last post. We talked about the first step toward success being to accept the reality of your situation and going from there. This time I wanna talk about the second step in achieving success and realizing your goals and dreams.

Once you've accepted the reality of your situation, (no matter how bad it might seem), you can begin to move forward. I have often been in a situation where I don't like what's happening and I feel extremely uncomfortable with my situation in life. At times I have said to myself I can't stand this anymore and inside I've just been fighting a war. If you find yourself doing this, ask yourself - is this going to help you change the situation for the better? I don't think so...

Fighting anything means conflict and you should try to avoid conflict. This will only waste your energy when you should be putting your energy into positive change. Think about this...

It's not only when you want to change something but when you want to start something up that you can begin to fight. Fighting does not feel good. If you feel like you're fighting against something then take a long hard look at how you're working or living. Progress will never be smooth but you need a plan and you need to stay focused.

I urge you to sign up for my self esteem newsletter,
because self esteem is at the core of your success,

Sign up here: More-selfesteem Newsletter Sign up Page

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Connecting with others

I have realized that one of the biggest ways to be successful whether it is through earning money online or in your personal relationships is connecting with others. It sounds obvious but I realise I've been making a big mistake and maybe you have too...

What was my mistake?

I've been working online for over 10 years now trying to help others improve their self esteem and end depression and I have built a business around this. Now I am looking to expand my business I have realized that I have been so busy with the technical aspects of writing online and running a website that I have forgotten the most important aspects of my self help mission:

It's all about connecting with other people. The personal touch.

I've lined up so many projects that I've practically ignored my growing list of unanswered emails and the friends I've made on Facebook and MySpace.

There are people I should be speaking to.. I should be making telephone calls. I should be answering the questions from my visitors, after all what am I trying to do but help others.

Being successful online or off depends on your connection with others. Don't forget that while you're writing or while you're concentrating on finishing a particular task you are isolated from other people.

If you want to be successful and you want to achieve more then look to make a real connection and spend more time with people communicating your message rather than hiding behind your desk or your monitor.

I invite you to sign up now for more tips which will help you on the road to success:
Earn Extra Cash Online - the easy way...