Look out for negative things that you say. Talk is your thoughts made into sound and communicated to others. They become very powerful because you're putting your thoughts out there in the world...
So today try this tip:
If you catch yourself using CAN'T, DON'T WANT, DON'T LIKE, HATE then change these to make positive statements with prefer, would rather,and so on.
For example:
I can't do that - say - I would rather do this
I don't like living here - say - I prefer living there or I would rather live there.
I hate this job! - say - I'd prefer another job
These are small but important changes and make all the difference.
You don't want to keep these negative aspects in your life so make them into positives you want to see rather than negatives that you don't like and this will help to make your thoughts more positive.
The Law of Attraction is something I will explain more about tomorrow.
See you then
Take care,
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