Monday, 21 November 2011


Last week I sent out a message to my subscribers all about perfectionism. I said the following:

"Do you constantly tell yourself you could have done this better or said that better?"

"Do you spend time worrying how others will respond to you?"

"And when you have a bad day do you go over and over what happened and wish that you had done things differently?"

I got quite a few replies saying there is nothing wrong with trying to improve and of course there isn't. Improvement is progress and looking at how you can have done things better is a good idea if you want to learn from the problems and challenges of life. However, the problem of perfectionism is that you want to improve and even when you do you drive yourself harder.

Perfectionism is a problem that never goes away because you can never be perfect.

Seeking perfectionism is the road to unhappiness and you need to accept that you are not perfect. No one on this planet is. Be happy to do your best and yes learn from it. Try your best always and take setbacks as opportunities to learn and improve yourself. Don't use setbacks to kick yourself and don't be discouraged because setbacks are a natural part of self growth.

I send out inspirational messages each week. To get them sign up for my inspirational self help newsletter and get a FREE CHAPTER of my ebook "Self esteem Secrets" 

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