Thursday, 21 May 2009

Bad Self Image

I've decided to answer a selection of emails and post them here so that you can benefit from the questions my visitors send me.

Here's an email I just received:

"I think the problem with me is that I have bad self image to the point where if I dont think I look good I wont be confident, and I'm just not happy with how I look so it therefore equals to me not being happy with who I am. I'm not an obviously vain person but its beginning to click with me that my self esteem is linked to my looks.Do I have to take more specific action if the problem is self image?

I have done this course and read Mckennas book instant confidence but it doesn't seem to make me feel better."

My answer:

Well, it's a common problem especially with women. You see images of beautiful, slim models on TV and you feel ugly or fat because you don't think you compare. Perhaps you think you need to lose weight or you dont think you are attractive. Whatever the problem is it is common now.

It is difficult to get over this and needs you to get confidence step by step. It also needs a different way of thinking. You need to start focusing on your good points and try to accept yourself as you are. What are you good at? Who likes you and why? Is anybody attracted to you and if so what do they like about you?

Make a list of all your good points and any compliments people have given you write them down. This will help you when you feel bad.

Of course, if you do have a physical problem then get help.

If your problem is one of self image then tell a friend and maybe they can help. Make yourself feel more confident by trying a new hairstyle or new clothes. If it makes you feel more confident then do it. Maybe you will get a bit more attention from those you are trying to attract and this will boost your confidence...

Yes, action is needed to improve self image!

If you can, this is not easy, try to focus on other things apart from appearance and looks. Most people find personality, friendliness and humour very attractive and at work you will be judged by what you do rather than what you look like.

I will not deny that looks are an advantage and play a part, but much less than you believe...

You are unique, start today by showing the world just how unique you are!

Good luck building your self esteem...

My e-book "Self Esteem Secrets" will help you build your self esteem and confidence.
Get a copy of Self Esteem Secrets today!

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